Thursday 18 June 2015

twat factor

Silly twat is at it again.   What a waste of oxygen he is.

Here's wishing all of the hard-working Second Pride volunteers (who contribute to the community) good luck with this year's events!  We honestly appreciate everything you're doing.  Ignore the pathetic ramblings of our sad little friend and his alts. 

Or better still, just laugh at him like the rest of us do.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

ctl - ALT - delete

For some people, ALTS in SL are a way of life.  A way to reinvent themselves.  A way to continue the sneakiness.  Just ask "Robin".  He's had a lot of practice.

A lot.


Tuesday 3 March 2015

Da projection

Of course, we all predicted that this was going to happen.    “Robin” gets caught once again with his petty little attacks on Second Pride, on the volunteers that give their time supporting it, and on our community in general.  And then his hysterics begin.

He still actually believes that people don’t know he’s been behind all the poison.   And, as we've come to expect, he tries to “prove” his innocence by repeatedly screaming and whining (once again) about being a victim and accusing other people of being cyber-bullies.  Of course, no “Robin” rant is complete without a little hysterical name-calling thrown in for dramatic effect.

 It’s as though he believes that by accusing others of exactly the behavior he engages in, people will actually be stupid enough to believe him.  We have news for you “Robin”:  Repeating the same lies over and over again won’t make them any truer.  Nobody with a brain is going to fall for such transparent "misdirection".

Which brings us to the conclusion we came to ages ago:  our “Robin” is not nearly as bright as he tries to convince people he is.  He’s made some pretty amateur errors, which is how we've known for so long what he’s been up to.

To summarize:

  • He anonymously bullies people in the community, and when he gets caught, he plays the victim and whines that he’s the one that’s being bullied and lied about.   
  • He insults people by repeatedly calling them “dishonest”, “old”, “washed-up”, in need of “a life” and a host of other attacks, when in fact he is very literally describing himself to a tee.  

In other words, whenever you see him (either anonymously or as “Robin”) throwing around accusations, insults and attacks, you can pretty much be guaranteed that he’s the one actually engaging in the behavior he's whining about.  He actually thinks he's being clever trying to cover his tracks by accusing others of the same behavior.   Look up the word “Projection” in “Psychology for Dummies”, and you’ll get a lovely picture (fake, of course) of our “Robin” to illustrate.

Sadly, that’s just who he is.  A petty, vindictive, hypocritical, spiteful, jealous, hysterical old queen, with no self-esteem and far too much time on his hands.

There is nothing he enjoys more than playing the martyr, playing the poor little victim, manipulating people into feeling sorry for him. And in some ways, we do.

As for the rest, we just find it entertaining.

Monday 9 February 2015

free entertainment

Da Robin at da pier continues to impress.  He actually uses the passing of Avacar last year (his "very good friend") as a means of spewing more hate in the community.  Such class.  And now more accusations, this time against Marge. 

Such an old, pathetic, low-life little wanker.

We think he's just bitter in part because of his washed-up club (which was never as popular as he liked to tell people it was).    As we have seen many times in the past, this small, weak little person only feels better about himself by attacking people that contribute to the community.  Not surprising that he keeps going about this after reaching new lows by dragging the loss of our good friend into his psychotic behavior.

Keep working hard for the community, and for free entertainment, keep laughing at "Robin".  :)

Wednesday 2 July 2014

da hilarity

Da poor victim...we should all feel SORRY for him. After all, it just isn't FAIR to attack people and then have them turn actually around and call him out on it!

Isn't it hilarious to hear "Robin" talk about being a victim? After all the bullshit he's caused? It's even funnier to hear him go on about  how: 
"Pride should be about the community not HATE, just LOVE!  To be a LBGT Person is something to be Proud of, it is a shame Second Pride lets down the LGBT community."
right after making up stories and attacking all the good people involved in Second Pride.  How could someone so intent on attacking and dividing the community (especially volunteers who contribute) talk about pride of any kind?   Maybe because he has absolutely no shame?  He may be gay, but he certainly has nothing to be proud of.

So he can whine all he wants about being a victim in all this.  He can pretend to be outraged.  The community sees right through him; they know what he's doing, and what he's been doing for a long time now.

Our best advice is for him to stop acting like a twat, stop attacking people, stop acting like a sociopath.  If he does, he MAY just discover that the amount of drama in the community drops way down.  BUT we know that he would never want that.   It's his character.  He actually likes being able to put others down and cause trouble, and then play the innocent victim.  Poor, sad, prissy old drama queen.


Saturday 28 June 2014

Ground Zero

Our little friend "Robin" (and his alts) have an uncontrollable need to attack people with false stories, and then play da "innocent victim" when people call him out on it.  For some peculiar reason, it's how he tries to build himself up and make him and his club appear "popular".  He throws around false accusations about people in the community to divide them and sow doubt.  Thankfully, people see that he's Ground Zero for drama in the community. He has a long and well documented history of making things up.  About himself, and of course as we have all been seeing, about others.

Nobody would care about the stories he makes up about himself if he didn't also go to so much trouble to make stuff  up about (and attack) others.  Glass houses.

It's entertainment, hypocrisy, and sociopathic behavior all rolled into one prissy little package.

Second Pride and the amazing volunteers that have made it such a success will continue to thrive, despite the constant whining and scheming of this small, sad little person.  :)

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Da mental patient is on da loose again...

The prissy little mental-case named Robin has been at it again the past few weeks with his cowardly, petty little "Kharfest" tantrums against the good people that have been making a great success of Second Pride.  He's actually ridiculous enough to think that the community don't know it's him.

A few things to keep in mind:

-You can't believe anything that comes out of his silly mouth.  Most people that know him roll their eyes when he starts.

-He should be pitied.  How sad and pathetic must his life really be if he feels the need to keep pulling this hateful childishness?  It's embarrassing more than anything.

-Whenever he talks about "we" (as in "We at Kharfest..."), he's mostly talking about his alts (and no doubt his multiple personalities).

Thanks to Petr, Khar, and all the other volunteers that have made Second Pride such a great event once again.  For those of you that are in Robin's "cross-hairs", just ignore him as you would a child trying to be bully, but that no one takes seriously.