Monday, 29 July 2013

Da update

Kharfest blog continues to spout accusations, innuendo, lies, and attacks, stirring up trouble for anyone that he disagrees with or dislikes.  This isn't the first time that he (and his alts) have done this kind of thing.  He has been the source of a lot of SL drama for some time now. He is a consummate liar, routinely making up stories to cast doubt on others. He thrives on manipulating people and  poisoning the social environment in Second Life, while at the same time boasting about his own "popularity" to make it appear as though he is well liked in the community.   He often accuses people of the very things that he is guilty of himself.  He is not shy about his behavior either, he has been caught in very public lies and scandals in the past.  Lies about others, and lies about himself.   He's been around far longer than his currently active avi might have some believe.

His favorite role is playing the victim with the following pattern:  
  1. He causes trouble for people he disagrees with or dislikes,  usually anonymously and/or without foundation;  then
  2. People become aware that he is the source of the problem;  then 
  3. He gets all hysterical and outraged over the "false accusations" when people call him on what he's doing, playing the innocent victim;  and then for his big finish
  4. He falls back on various illness and other supposed RL drama so that people feel sorry for him.

It has not yet occurred to him that people have been comparing notes on him for a long time now, among them several that he pretends are his friends.

People are also continuing to come to same conclusion about him:  That he is a legitimately mentally unstable individual with a chip on his shoulder, and who only feels good about himself when he's tearing down others.  He appears to be severely deficient in emotional maturity, highly irrational, and yet very functional when he needs to "turn on the charm".

Unfortunately, his "anonymous"campaign of petty sh!t-disturbing directed at Second Pride board members, volunteers, talent, and participants (past and present) has clearly had at least some effect on their activities, no doubt much to his petty amusement.  He is willfully trying to damage and manipulate an organization that has served the community very well.

We strongly urge those directly and indirectly involved in Second Pride (both past and present), not to allow this cancer to continue among us: Ignore the BS caused by this obviously troubled individual, come together, and work with each other for the continued betterment and the enjoyment of the community.

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