Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Da mental patient is on da loose again...

The prissy little mental-case named Robin has been at it again the past few weeks with his cowardly, petty little "Kharfest" tantrums against the good people that have been making a great success of Second Pride.  He's actually ridiculous enough to think that the community don't know it's him.

A few things to keep in mind:

-You can't believe anything that comes out of his silly mouth.  Most people that know him roll their eyes when he starts.

-He should be pitied.  How sad and pathetic must his life really be if he feels the need to keep pulling this hateful childishness?  It's embarrassing more than anything.

-Whenever he talks about "we" (as in "We at Kharfest..."), he's mostly talking about his alts (and no doubt his multiple personalities).

Thanks to Petr, Khar, and all the other volunteers that have made Second Pride such a great event once again.  For those of you that are in Robin's "cross-hairs", just ignore him as you would a child trying to be bully, but that no one takes seriously. 

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